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What to Do About Acne During Your Period?

Ariel, August 28, 2023

Many women struggle with acne outbreaks before their menstrual period, humorously dubbed "Aunt Flo's pimples." Facing the recurring issue of "Aunt Flo's pimples," is there a permanent solution? And why do these pimples occur?

What are "Aunt Flo's Pimples" —— Menstrual Acne?

Acne during the menstrual period, or menstrual acne, is a common chronic skin inflammation, colloquially known as "Aunt Flo's pimples." It usually appears 7-10 days before the period starts.

Menstrual acne primarily occurs in areas with larger pores and higher oil secretion such as the chin, forehead, and cheeks. Some women also experience it on their chest or back, often symmetrically distributed.

The main reason for menstrual acne is an increase in androgen levels in women after ovulation, leading to an imbalance between estrogen and androgens, with a relatively higher proportion of androgens. This causes increased activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby enlarging pores and increasing oil secretion.

The robust oil secretion can clog pores, leading to skin inflammations such as comedones, papules, and pustules.

Besides hormonal changes, the occurrence of menstrual acne may also be related to bacterial infections, medications, and psychological stress.

How to Alleviate "Aunt Flo's Pimples"?

To address the annoying "Aunt Flo's pimples," you can alleviate the symptoms by changing your lifestyle habits, with the following specific methods:

① Maintain proper skin cleanliness

Image Source 1: | Cleaning the face
Image Source 1: | Cleaning the face

Moderately clean your face, as over-scrubbing can excessively strip away oils, leading to increased oil production and possibly exacerbating acne; focus on hydrating and moisturizing areas prone to acne to reduce oil secretion;

② Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins

Image Source 2: | Vitamin-rich fruits
Image Source 2: | Vitamin-rich fruits

Avoid spicy and greasy foods, including chili peppers and mustard, eat fewer sweets and seafood, and drink enough water to meet your body’s needs;

③ Maintain a healthy routine

Image Source 3: | Good sleep
Image Source 3: | Good sleep

Adequate sleep supports the stability of the body's circadian rhythms, thereby helping balance hormones.

Staying up late disrupts the body's internal cycle, interferes with hormone secretion, especially the secretion of sex hormones, and leads to the vigorous secretion of sebum which causes acne.

Furthermore, when staying up late, the body remains in an excited state, causing the piloerector muscles to contract continuously, accelerating the secretion of sebum in the sebaceous glands, worsening acne symptoms.

④ Engage in appropriate exercise

Image Source 4: | Exercise
Image Source 4: | Exercise

Exercise accelerates blood circulation in the body, promotes metabolism, and can also alleviate hormonal imbalances caused by stress;

However, women during their period should adjust their exercise intensity based on their physical condition and regular exercise habits. Intense exercise might exacerbate discomfort during the period and be counterproductive.

⑤ Keep a relaxed and joyful mood

Image Source 5: | Happiness
Image Source 5: | Happiness

A good mood can prevent disruptions in estrogen secretion, thereby alleviating acne symptoms;

⑥ Avoid keeping the skin in a hot and humid environment for long periods

Image Source 6: | The hot and humid environment created by masks
Image Source 6: | The hot and humid environment created by masks

When the skin is in a hot and humid environment, the water content in the epithelial cells of the follicle sebaceous gland ducts increases, causing them to enlarge and leading to acute blockages, thus triggering acne outbreaks.

To avoid the growth of acne, reduce visits to places where masks or helmets are required;

⑦ Reduce the use of makeup and functional skincare products

Image Source 7: | Makeup
Image Source 7: | Makeup

Makeup can irritate acne and lead to skin infections. Incomplete makeup removal after using oily lotions and foundation creams can also trigger acne.

Most menstrual acne naturally subsides after the period ends, after which women can resume their normal skincare and makeup routines and may also relax dietary restrictions based on their conditions.


Medical Advice

For menstrual acne, if necessary, acne removal products such as acne patches, tea tree oil, and acne gels may be used.

Avoid squeezing, picking, or prodding at acne, as it can stimulate the pimples, leading to secondary infections and skin proliferation, causing inflammation and scars.

If symptoms do not subside and are accompanied by excessive hair growth, menstrual disorders, infertility, worsening acne, or scars, severely affecting the patient's appearance, social life, studies, or leading to depression or anxiety, it is crucial to seek medical advice promptly.

Initially, consult a dermatologist for general skin treatment. If accompanied by the aforementioned symptoms of menstrual disorders and excessive hair growth, visit a gynecologist for a sex hormone test to check the specific endocrine conditions, and also conduct a gynecological ultrasound to exclude diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Follow the doctor's advice strictly and avoid using unproven remedies or uncertified medications.



[1] Zhang Xuejun, Zheng Jie. Dermatology and Venereology, Ninth Edition. People's Health Publishing House, 2018.

[2] "Women Tend to Get Acne During Menstruation: 5 Tips to Prevent Acne During This Period." People's Daily Online. Retrieved January 10, 2022, from

[3] "Acne During Menstrual Period." Baidu Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2022, from

[4] Dermatology Department. "Never Pick, Squeeze, or Prod Acne, Major Skincare Taboos for Acne." Zhihu Column. Retrieved January 10, 2022, from

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Calmfident is a sanitary pad brand originating from Singapore, dedicated to contributing to the elimination of "period poverty."


Calmfident selects the highest absorbency, breathability, and comfort materials available on the market to promptly meet the needs of women during their menstrual cycles.


Calmfident commits to responsible production, reducing material waste, and not spending unnecessary costs on marketing-oriented materials, allowing women worldwide to use higher quality sanitary pads at an affordable price!

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